So you ask yourself…

“Why is this blog special from any other review blog?” 

 Well… i have two answers for you! 

If you have read my Get to know me! post you have already know my skin condition… it’s sad and dramatic but this is what i have to work with and it gives me many challenges so i’m kinda… thankful?
I realised that a lot of beauty guru has perfect or near to perfect skin and when i’m watching reviews or other blogs i hardly see any difference when they try out skincare products (of course this is not true when they reviewing colourful makeup stuffs:D)
So my challenging skin is only one reason why it’s a special review blog
The second reason is my financial state

“….lol how does it even effect reviewing stuffs?”

Through many years i came across sites, online shops, selling cheap skincare products and makeups! But when i say cheap, i really mean cheap! Under $10 or/and even lower… 
There are these really smart sayings: “If you buy quality you only cry once.” and “If you buy cheaply you pay dearly.” BUT i dedicated my life and my skin to try out, test out everything i found interesting and worth to spend pennies on! Why? Because why would i buy something for $25 when i can get the same results with a $3 product *extremely stingy*

More things i can promise to my readers:

  • In every post i will link the site i get my products from, so donchu worry!
  • I will inform you about the prices and the shipping fees!
  • I provide before and after pictures, targeting a problematic area on my face so you can see bigger differences!
  • I’ll try to be clear and as short as possible in my posts~ (not like now lol)

That’s all for now!
Thank you so much for reading it so far, i hope i can bring you many good and useful reviews in the future! Wish me luck~ ❤︎


  1. You can put in google "korean face rutine". It has changed my life!! But only with good products, good brands. It seams a lot of step but you can star with only 3-5 step and it is really fast. I use to do 5-7 steps and take me only 10 minutes, no more (when use mask it takes more time but in this time I can do other things, not only stand up waiting for it works jeje)

    1. thank you so much for this detailed information!!


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