BIOAQUA Cream Air BB Cushion review

EDIT: i took some new photos, so i changed the "thumbnail" too! *7*

Sadly last week was really gloomy and rainy, thus grey clouds covered my precious Sun and it was really hard to take good photos... (๑´╹‸╹`๑) But let's get into work because BIOAQUA Cream Air BB Cushion is an amazing product and i couldn't wait for the good weather to review it!

First of all, let me say how much i love this cushion-hype all over the globe! 
What is a cushion? I described it to my sister as a plastic contaiener with a sponge puck, filled with BB cream and you have to apply it onto your skin with a cute and unique sponge applicator! +Bonus mirror! It sounds fun and no wonder so many people enjoy using it! After you apply the BB cream it starts to oxidise and eventually it will fit your skincolour even better, like you are not even wearing any skin makeup!
My main problem is that the most trending cushion are so expensive... OTL I was craving a cushion, i was dying to try one out but no matter how much i saved, my money always flew away or got used before i could get my hand on a cushion...

So i turned to the dark side and started searching the internet for cheap alternatives! The first time i purchased this product i spent $2.29 - YES, for less than three US dollars! ( ◞・౪・) UNBELIEVABLE! I was like "ok, it may be bad for my skin, it may be too yellow on my skin, it must have some flaws, but $2.29???? *buys it right at the moment*"
I will never regret this choice of mine! I love this cushion and i've already repurchased it twice... (゜▽゜;) 
I've prepared many pictures ohohoho~

I LOVE THE PACKAGING! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

Here is a short video on my personal instagram to show you how amazing is the holographic effect on this cardboard box! 
But beside this amazing small visual show *flipping the box around and around for 50 times* the next thing which "pokes" my eyes is the huge amount of the Chinese writing... (・▽・ ? ) BIOAQUA's HQ may be located in France but i'm sure the production is done in China.
In the next few pictures you will see how much writing is on this box, most parts are in Chinese, the rest are written in (broken) English :D

I just love the English description

 Two sides - as you can see the writing is countinued here but on the right picture you can see what shade i bought (02) which was descriped on the website as "Ivory".

The top was sealed with a golden sticker which makes me feel better for some reason and the bottom contains more information - of course, in Chinese - about what we bought. But what we can read and need to know that this has 15g BB cream inside which is an avarage amount in the cushion-world.


The look of the actual cushion is really simple - smooth white plastic with a flat top, silver writing says the cushion's name once again. 
  • TIP #1: I LOVE THIS FLAT TOP! Why? Because i can keep it upside down! And thanks to that, it doesn't "dry" out so fast, it will last longer

On the bottom there is a sticker which states the chosen colour. There is also a bulging label which says "Push" but i couldn't capture it on the photo. This "Push" option helps you to pop out the whole sponge part - those who familiar with cushions know that you can buy refills too. This is really convenient because refills are so much cheaper than buying the whole cushion again when it goes dry. But since thise cushion $2-3 i really don't mind buying the whole thing over and over again (anyway i couldn't find refills for this type of cushion).

It's so pretty ㅠwㅠ

The sponge exactly looks like how i imagined it! It has reeeeaally small holes, the whole feels like... skin? Idk but it doesn't suck up the product and helps to spread the product evenly without leaving smudges!
  • TIP #2: Every sponge and brush should be washed out or changed into a new one at least once in every month! This way you can fight acne and other nasty things better! There are many tutorials on the internet how to wash them out properly so don't be lazy, your skin will be grateful!

After you take out the applicator sponge, you need to flip over this plastic part to reveal the bb cream! It was sealed carefully with a thick sticker-thinggie to keep the cream inside fresh for you!

So this is how it looks like in it's fully opened self! Maaaan, i love this baby so much! (๑♡⌓♡๑) *sticking my dirty finger inside the sponge* So niiceeee~ (Please, don't push your dirty finger into the sponge.)
It has a frangrance but it's pleasent! Once i tried out an Etude House cushion and it has such a stronge smell that i almost headed against the wall next to me... OTL 

As you can see on my before after photos the BB cream brightens up my whole complexion! I have white skin but it still managed to make it even whiter xD Without being unrealistic or way too obvious!
The coverage is medium to full which i love so much! The finish is dewy - in my opinion it is not fortunate for an oily T-Zone so i always use a 
translucent powder to finish my look.
  • TIP #3: Use a pore minimizer base under this cushion! The dewy finish tends to visually large up the look of pores.

It stays on for 6 hrs but when it's hella hot outside it tends to melt off in 4 hrs, just sayin'. It doesn't crease into my small wrinkles or under my eyes, it's just.... fades away into thin air by time~ The world can't be perfect, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But since it's not that big and it also has a mirror inside i can take it with me everywhere and do my touchups whenever it's needed, so i usually don't stress about it's durability so much.
Sadly, it doesn't have any UV/Sun protection :c Some websites say so, but i couldn't find anything realted to this on the packaging (maybe because i can't read Chinese?). This is maybe the only missing stuff compared to some popular brands. *sigh* But it's not an unsolvable problem, i just need to put on sunblock before using anything on my face! (*^▽^)/

I think i've said everything i wanted and this post is goddamn long so let's end this story here :D
The “parameters”:

  • Name:  BIOAQUA Cream Air BB Cushion /on the package: BIOAQUA Snow BB Cream Air Cushion
  • Amount: 15g
  • Where did i buy it? from the site called BuyinCoins, direct link is here
  • How much was it?  first purchase: US $2.29/ recent price: US $3.85/ on ebay: US $3.25
  • How much was the shipping to Hungary? US $0, a.k.a FREE
  • How much time did it take to arrive to Hungary? ~3 weeks (around 21 days)
  • How satisfied i am? IM VERY SATISFIED!
  • Will you re-purchase it? YES!! Since it takes 1 month to arrive i always order one when i get the new one so i can change it monthly! :D

Thank you sooooo much for reading this post till the end! I hope everyone enjoyed it and i could serve you with some good information! ೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨ Let's meet here in a week, with a new review! Until then, take care~


  1. I've been waiting for the review once I saw that post on instagram hehe
    I really like it! It's liquid so I guess it's light for the skin, does not clog any pores, so the skin can breathe. The before-after omg *-*

    1. AHHH MEL, you should be a review writer! *7* As you said, it's super light on the skin and friendly to my pores! ;w;

  2. Is it really save? I mean it's far below the average cushion price. So I'm a bit afraid that it was fake. Sorry.

    1. First of all thank you for the comment! *-* Secondly, I've been using it for months and I haven't notice any damage on my skin! It doesn't clug my pores or make my pimples worse so I'm really satisfied with it! Just use a sunscrean under the cushion.
      This blog is especially for these kind of products, which are suspiciously cheap but do the thing! :D

  3. Is it save for oily + acne skin?

    1. sorry for the late reply!!
      yes, it's safe! my skin is combinated so i have oily and acne parts too but the cushion hasn't shown me any damage yet! :3

  4. Replies
    1. hello dear! sorry for my late reply, i tried to look up some infos about it but i didn't find anything useful :c
      so my best and only advice is to not try it out during pregnancy until me/you can't find any information about this issue!
      thank you so much for the comment! ❤︎

  5. Thanks for the review! Where did you get this if you don't mind me asking? Most places I've checked sells this for ~$8.

    1. hello! thank you so much for the comment!❤︎
      if you look it up directly as "Bioaqua bb cushion" then only the more expensive ones will come out! if you search just for "bb cushion" then you can find a lot of no-name cushions and 95% of them are Bioaqua cushions! :D but just in case, here are some links:

  6. What would you say about how much it lasts till you have to refill it or buy a new one?? Thanks :)

    1. thank you so much for the comment! ❤︎ and sorry for the late reply! ;w;
      well, if i use it everyday, i need to buy a new one after 6-7 weeks
      but i only use it to weekdays so my last one lasted me 2,5 months! ^w^

  7. hi im so interested with your post. im gonna purchase this product too. but i'm a bit confused choosing the right shade. i have medium skintone, darker than korean skintone but still lighter than Tan skintone. can u advice what shade should i buy? comparing to your cushion and your skintone. thank u so much before!

    1. thank you so much for the comment! ❤︎ since your skin colour is deeper than Korean skintone, but yet it is still not tan, i would recommend you using the shade called Natural Color - after application the bb cream starts to oxidize on your skin and it can get lighter (sometimes mine looks aaaalmost like white:D) this is why i think you can't blunder if you choose that shade, it will blend into you skincolour! i hope i could help and let me tell you how do you like the cushion after you tried it out! ^7^

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. thanks, no more confuse bcs of this review. i'll purchase this one.

    1. thank you so much for the comment, i'm so glad i could help! ❤︎

  10. Great post!💕
    I was looking for a review for this cushion before buying it and your review is so detailed and informative that I decided to buy it right away 😆

    Thank you, and I hope you can keep making makeup reviews soon ! 💚💛💜❤

    1. thank you so much!! *7* i hope you will love the cushion too! 💚💛💚💛


  11. there is a shop that sells for Rp. 20,000 or +/- $ 1 (in kurs rupiah). and this makes me suspicious, whether it's safe cushion.
    and hard to find a review on this cushion.
    thanks for your review :D

  12. Can you please write the ingredients list?

    1. as you could see on my post, i posted a photo of all the sides of the cushion's box and the cushion itself but i didn't find any list about the ingredients. maybe it IS on the box but it must be in Chinese so that's why i can't list them to you :c also, i checked various websites but i couldn't find anything informative... im sorry to say this ;-;

  13. Hi. What the color you used in this post? Thanks!

  14. Pls review some more bioaqua products

  15. are you still using it now??

    1. i stopped using it recently because my skin got clearer :D but i want to order a refill soon so that when i have acne spots again i can use a fresh one asap! ^^

  16. I have been looking for reviews of that brand. I think it is a bad quality brand from chinese bazar because I only see their products in eBay, aliexpress and not in reliable korean/japanese seller's web. I don't find more reviews of bioaqua products. Look for etude house, shiseido, tonymoly, have a lot of opinions. I have decided not probe it, it is a high risk

    1. thank you for your comment!!
      i know it is suspiciously cheap but i used it for a year now and i haven't realized any problem on my skin even though my skin is really problematic and sensitive! i made this blog for those who think Etude, Tonymoly, Missha, etc. are too pricy for them! everyone is using those brands because everyone is talking about them, ONLY about them, so i'm here to break the ice:D of course, not every cheap product will be good but i don't mind testing them out, don't worry about me! ^3^

  17. Hello I'm really interested in this product. My mom has bought one, and I want to buy it too yet I'm afraid it might not fit my skin since my face have acne (combination skin). Will it be okay if I use it? And do you where can I find the refill? It doesn't have here in Cambodia. And do you know how much it would cost for shipping to Cambodia (Asia)
    Thank you for you hard work in posting this

    1. hello! ^^ thank you for your comment! don't be afraid to try out this cushion, we must have the same type of skin and my skin liked this product! thus i believe you won't have any breakout as long as you properly clean your skin before and after you used it! :3
      about refills, i found refills for only 2 shades... but the shipping is free for worldwide! here is the link:

  18. how many layer that u need to cover your acne marks? one layer is enough? pls reply

    1. hello! thank you for the comment!
      no, one layer is only enough for a really natural looking finish, i need 2-3 layers for covering my really red/dark acne marks

  19. Hi, I'm from Indonesia. Currently, I'm looking for cushion on online shop here. Then, I found Bio aqua, which is the cheapest cushion so far... but, I have not known yet this brand so far. then, I asked Mr. google. it brings me here. Nice review. one thing that what I want to know is, is it safe? why they can sell it so cheap. Here, in my country I didn't get many reviews

    1. hello, thank you so much for this comment! ❤
      i know it is suspiciously cheap but my skin doesn't have any problem when i use it! i recommend you trying it out if you are thinking about it! ^^

  20. Hi sis ..can u tell me who to choose the correct tone...i have medium tone .tq

    1. I guess you should try the deepest shade then! ^^

  21. hey! i thank you for the nice review! i can't find any review from my country, Indonesia. and your review helps a lot!

    1. oh I'm so glad!! thak you so much for reading it! ❤

  22. hi.. i'm used this bio aqua bb cushion product. so far this is the best product ever.. but i dont know if this product is suitable for my skin or not because i got itchy skin everytime i used this product. i dont know if its a healing crisis or its not suitable for my skin. but overall this product is cheap, affordable n easy to when applied skin feel smooth and glowing and flawless skin. long lasting when applied even more then 6 hours..tq.. :)

    1. if you feel itchy because of this product then please, stop using it! D: it may be not suitable for you! but there can be many factors that can cause the itchiness, for example seasonal changes, other products and their combination on your skin, maybe some food, etc etc.
      my skin can be really picky too, that's why i need to be more sceptical! try not using it for a while and if the itchiness goes away then sadly it was because of this cushion.. please, take care of your beautiful skin! ^v^ thank you for the commen! ❤

  23. Is it suitable for dry skin???

  24. Tell me about coverage. Does it covers dark circles and pimple spots well? I'm interested to buy one. I have Bangladeshi fair skin. Its not too much white like Koreans, not too much tanned either. I don't want my skin to look too much white or dark either. I want something that will match with my skintone. Which shade should I go for? And thanks for the review. :)

    1. thank you for the comment! ^v^ ❤
      i think you should try out the middle tone for your skin! it covers dark circles really well but there are some huge, red spots that i need to put concealer on top too to cover them properly

  25. Use it too. Great! But y so cheap? Even fullset? Cn u tell me more detail about fake bioaqua. Love dis product but at the same time afraid it could damage my skin

    1. as far as i tried it doesn't causes any damage to my skin! every skin is different but i'm sure they don't make anything that could harm you badly ^v^

  26. i already tried this product too. till now this product doesn't bring bad effect on my first i also afraid to use this product but as i used it i think it suits me well..i do really hope this product not bring harm to my looks..

    1. thank you for your comment and i'm so happy it is good to your skin too!! i also hope it won't cause you any harm! ^v^


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