LIDEAL Q10 BB Cream & LIDEAL Whitening Pressed Powder

Disappointment :c
This is all I can say tl;dr.... but let me give you an explanation!

First of all, these products have many names!! Especially the powder; "whitening powder", "soymilk powder", "soybeans milk powder", "white press powder"???? Who knows anymore the real name of it... probably nobody.

By now you may know that i love collecting cheap makeups and i test them out to see if they are better than the original ones. Obviously, this sounds stupid and those who pull their mouths whenever cheap products are mentioned are correct right now. Because these are awful products :c My heart is bleeding for saying this but i regret buying them!
I have never heared of this brand before but they have many other products like blushers, bb cushions, eyebrow pencils and so on. It is supposed to be Japanese and i don't want to shade Japanese makeup products with this review!
Before i get too salty let's look at them separately! I will start with the BB Cream:

When i search ebay for bb creams i always set the price+shipping to the least expensive option :D And this bb cream has such a nice design that i was always eyeing it...
Also, Q10 sounds sweet, right?
 Q10 is a substance similar to a vitamin. It is found in every cell of the body. Your body makes CoQ10, and your cells use it to produce energy your body needs for cell growth and maintenance. So who doesn't one Q10 to be in their makeup? Due to the low price and displaying this magic called Q10 i decided to buy it and i hoped for the best! But i was way too excited and when you are really pumped up you can fall a huge :c

Yes, the box got destroyed pretty well - but it came from Malaysia so i guess it had a long journey. The tube was intact! 

I really like this beige colour! Moreover, the golden cup gives it another nice touch, so all in all i'm really impressed by the package. I wish they would invest as much money to the actual product as they invent into the look of it :c

Everything is in Japenese, except the side of the box which contains licenses, place of origin and a sticker about my chosen colour. It has 3 skin colours and 2 correcting colours; a purple and green.  #21 is the lightest and just look how light it is:

IT'S LIKE... WHITE! Σ(゜ロ゜;) Tbh i got pretty shocked by this colour ;; The texture is light and creamy and it has a bit of sheen after application.
Let's see a test on my face!

It did actually nothing to my skin? Maybe a little bit of lightening and my pores got a tiny bit smaller but meh... I circled in the most problematic places, FLAKING!!  (((( ;°Д°)))) THERE IS NOTHING I HATE BETTER THAN FLAKES ON MY FACE!
Huh okay i calm down... so this white cream caught up in my dry patches :) Zoom into the picture, you can clearly see them. Also, it has a really storng smell! D: Smells like.... perfume, a flowery, strong and cheap perfume. I was testing it for 2 weeks but it changed nothing. It didn't made my skin worse or dryer, i have no breakouts because of this but it didn't help me achieve a healthier looking skin either. I may, maaaay use it again under my eyes and on my huge ass pores but just may!! I have a sensitive nose for extreme smells and this has one! xD also the FLAKES......
I think this was enough of the BB Cream ~(>_<~) I will write down separately the parameters
  • Name: Lideal/Lidéal Q10 BB Cream
  • Amount: 40 ml
  • Where did i buy it? ebay
  • How much was it? $ 2.01 !!!!
  • How much was the shipping to Hungary? US $0, a.k.a FREE
  • How much time did it take to arrive to Hungary? 14 workdays
  • How satisfied i am? IM VERY DISAPPOINTED!
  • Will you re-purchase it? nope

Here comes (trouble) the powder!

I've been using this for a longer time because sometimes i only need some mattifying effect on my skin. It has also a smell but it's much bearable than the bb's smell! The colour looks super white but if you put it on with a light hand it doesn't make any skin colour change.

  • TIP #1: to change your skin colour with this product, use the given sponge! To use it as a light finish powder, use a fluffy powder brush!

The plastic case got broken during the shipping :c The writings have no difference from the bb cream. As you can see, the box says "Whitening Powder Makeup" but it says nothing about "soymilk" or "soybean milk" at all!

If you put it on heavly it will be this white. But as i said before, use a fluffy brush to spread it lightly on your face. Tho, it also has 3 skin colours, i ordered the lightest one.
  • Name: Lideal/Lidéal (Whitening Soybean Milk) Pressed Powder 
  • Amount: 16g
  • Where did i buy it? ebay
  • How much was it? $ 1.60 !!!!
  • How much was the shipping to Hungary? US $0, a.k.a FREE
  • How much time did it take to arrive to Hungary? 14 workdays
  • How satisfied i am? I'm not that satisfied :c
  • Will you re-purchase it? nope.. no... i don't think so

What else can i say? If you have any question about these products please leave down a comment! ❤︎
Thank you for reading till the end~! Have a nice week and i wish you many makeups! :D


  1. Your posts are very useful, please keep going!! <3

    1. thank you so much!!! ;777; ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎

  2. I repeat, look for good products in good websites, it is the best for your skin. I wouldn't buy anymore in those kind of web. You have only one post about a good brand for a good online seller. Only one. It seams like you was buying on a chinese bazaar.

    1. yes, exactly! :D that's the main point of my blog hahaha

  3. I find the powder , the white pressed powder, where I can't find any translation (translated a part myself) about soybean, one of the first powders close to my skin color. Also I received my packages cover with a lot of plastic. I love it :) And totally fitting for me . Sad that you were not happy about it ;)

    1. i'm so happy you are satisfied with it!! ❤ all of us have different skins so maybe what is bad for me, is good for you! ^v^


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