Hello folks! ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒

Long time no see, right? Well, now I'm back with another cushion review and yes, it is another Laikou cushion uhuhu! You can read the previous one here but let's focus on this baby pink item right now. Sadly, I was not that impressed... :c

What I love about it is.... how baby pink it is xDD Really, nothing more... The cushion itselves is big and chubby which, of course, means that the mirror inside and the sponge is big too - it still has only the avarage amount of bb cream inside, 15 ml.
There are three shades we can choose from which follows the usual system of bb cream cushions: white, natural, dark complexion. ( ƅ°ਉ°)ƅ

The box it came in is also cute and pink :3 This is my absolute favourite colour (next to many other hehehe) so I have no problem with it. It also survived the rough journey from China to Hungary in a good shape! 

As again, most of the writings are in Chinese so I'm not a big help of understanding any of these... ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽

At the top you can see the colour you chose - in my case I chose the "Natural" colour a.k.a number 2.

Look at this giiiiirl! .゚☆(ノё∀ё)ノ☆゚. She is as cute as a candy!! I just love when companies use tons of pastel colours in the design of their products! 

The whole case came in this thick foil protection bag. You can see the sticker states once again which colour you chose.

The back looks like this. I thought I could buy a refill since I can remove the "inside" of it easily (the white circle is the "inside" and it pops out from the pink case) but no matter how deep I dig in ebay I could find nothing :c

As I mentioned earlier the mirror is huge! ୧༼✿ ͡◕ д ◕͡ ༽୨ But I just can't open it enough, looking inside the mirror feels a little bit stupid since I have to lift it over my head so that I could actually see my whole face in it... xD 

Sponge is also quite normal, squishy and soaks up the product just enough to spread it comfortably on your skin!

The inside was also protected by a sticker which I had to peel off before using, I just forgot to take a picture of it ;;;;;;;;

The shade "natural" looked a bit yellowish gray and too bright for me at first glance but I got used to this false thinking xD This is the right colour if you have a pale complexion like me, here are the test shots:

I took the first one in different scenes, trying it out in different light-circumstances! As you can see it goes SUPER DUPER well with my pink undertone!  (Idk why it looked so yellow on my finger but pink on the back of my hand xD)

But let's face the truth...

This bb cushion is not for the oily, combination or acne-prone skin (。•́︿•̀。) The texture is really thick and it is itself really oily. The finish of it is dewy but really sticky and heavy which I really, reaaaally dislike and caused me some minor breakouts.  
I used it for 1-1 month at spring and summer, I gave it a try at warm and hot weather, maybe it would work in the freezing winter but I don't know... I'm disappointed and I'm not thinking about buying it again. It was way too much for my skin, sadly. ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ

BUT if you still thinking about giving it a chance - it is cheap and what did not work for me may work for you! - here is a little and quick comparison with another Laikou cushion - my dear love, the CC cushion! ╰(・∇・╰)

You can perfectly see how wider and bigger this bb cushion is! The cc is a slim and pocket friendly cushion but this one is as big as my wallet on my payday lol

Size changes are noticeable in the inside too -  the mirror and the inner sponge are nothing similar in size hmmm... (゜э゜) 
This is all I wanted to say about this/these cushions! All in all I'm glad I bought it and thus I could write this review! Unfortunatelly not every cheap is good, moreover, it is more normal to dislike a cheap product than loving it so maybe this is how all my reviews should look like? xD Well, I hope not...!

 The parameters: 

  • Name: LaikouBB Cushion Multi Effects
  • Amount: 15 ml
  • Where did i buy it? ebay for US $3.75
  • How much was the shipping to Hungary? US $0, a.k.a FREE
  • How much time did it take to arrive to Hungary? about 1 month from China
  • How satisfied i am? It causes breakouts so I'm not satisfied :c
  • Will you re-purchase it? No

Thank you so much for reading this review! I hope I could give you some useful information but if you have any other question just send them down in the comment section! 
See you guys later~! ヾ(o✪‿✪o)シ


  1. Nice review.
    I like the packaging, it's really cute with pink colour.


  2. I feel so deceived! The packaging is really cute and the product is really terrible hahaha
    I guess that's how they get you, with the cute packaging.
    Thanks for trying it out!

    1. Hahaha true 😩😁 they put more effort into the packaging... 💦 You're welcome, thank you for the comment! ❤


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