Get to know me!

So here it is, finally! A description about my skin, get to know me more

As you can see on my little illustraion about me, my skin is a combination type of skin. *sigh* It makes everything extremely hard to handle but as i mentioned before, it’s a true challenge~ I need to treat every part of my skin differently but thanks to these modern ages, it is easy to find products which can be applied all over my whole face! (= ̄∇ ̄)ノ

A little bit of background about me:
I’m a 23 year-old girl from Hungary. My father also has a few pimples, even now in his early 50s, my mother had pimples in her 20s, my sister has normal skin with periodic pimples on those days of the month. So i think pimples and problematic skin is due to my genes… I’m sure i could get doctors help but let’s be real, that costs a lot of money :/// And the whole purpose of this blog is to get treatments without getting even more poor! :D


The worst about my forehead is ONE, i said, only one wrinkle on the center of the skin. It can get worse, it can get better - it’s really up to the rate of the dryness of my skin! The more dry it is, the deeper my wrinkle is (>__<) Aaaand of course, the more expressions i make, the more visible that wrinkle gets :D (I like making surprised face, i love to raise my brows into the sky so ughhh) But all in all, my forehead is normal, no pimples, no pores or too many oil *eternal gratitude*


Normally, people use the “T-Zone” phrase, but sicne my forehead is “calm” i like to refear this part of my face as “I-Zone” which means nose(+the area around it) and chin! It’s oily, pores are huge and blackheads are common guests here…


Cheekes are dry :c Yeah… it can get flaky in a minute and due to this dryness and the discomfort of skin here, sometimes i can have angry pimples*long sigh* (but i secretelly i wish my whole face-skin would be dry rather than combination… ~(>_<~) )

Jawline area + Body

These parts are the most problematic ones. I can break out here reaaaally easily, almost from everything *laughs in despair*

  • If it’s hot outside/i feel hot under my clothes/if i sweat (and lol i almost sweat)
  • If i support my face with my palms (you know, when you are tired and you can’t keep your head up xD)
  • If i’m before/after/on my period (my skin throws a tantrum for 2 weeks in every month)
  • If i’m anxious about something, if i stress about something
  • If i eat something fatty, unhealthy, with too many sugar
  • If my bedding, sheets, PJs are too “used”
  • And of course, if i put on some product which is not friendly to my skin

Fuhh this was a really long and detailed representation of my “unique” skin :D Sorry if i triggered something out of somebody with the drawing (my sister was so done by the pimples xDDD) Thank you if you read this to the end!! And now, let’s get into the real business, to the actual reviews! See you soon!  


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