Welcos Aloe Vera 98% Moisture Real Soothing Gel review

Woohooo, first review! It’s going to be about my recent-all-time-favourite skincare product, an aloe vera gel, accurately, the Welcos Aloe Vera 98% Moisture Real Soothing Gel! Wow such a long name… :D Let’s do this!

I guess all of us know at least one great benefit of aloe veras! We don’t need to be beauty gurus or dermatologists to know we do great if we put aloe vera gel onto our skin~ It can treat, exfoilate, restore, reveal and provide constant, impressive nutrition to the human skin!

It looks like a water but when i press it it feels really jelly and jammy in the tube! :D I love it! It’s also smells so good, but first of all, look how beautiful it is in the sunlight! *obsessed*

I LOVE how they added English translations and guide too! (* 7 *) As you can see, this gel can be used on your face, hand, body and even on hair
I tried it out everywhere and ahhhhh it’s really great! But i will talk about it later.
It’s a 150g tube which sounds a lot but my main problem is that it’s too good so i use it 2-3 times a day which means it vanishes so quickly…. OTL 

The texture is gel type, of course, but when i spread it on my skin it turns into something which really feels like… water? Gel moisturizers are the best for combination skins! As i said it smells amazingly but after it dries i can’t smell it anymore *sobs* But that really doesn’t matter because i apply it frequently ahahaha~ ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪ 
It dries really quickly! Like no joke! But no, wait… even if you think it’s dried it will be still sticky, which is probably my only negative thing i could tell about this product. After it dries my skin doesn’t look oily or anything but it’s sticky enough to get on my nerves… If you let it dry for 10 minutes it will be okay! 
  • TIP #1: my makeup sticks better onto my skin if i put this under everything, like a base!
  • TIP #2: spread a little bit of gel onto your eyelids! It will feel and look tight and smooth immediately for the next hour! 

But let’s get to the interesting part!

WOW! ୧༼✿ ͡◕ д ◕͡ ༽୨

5 days were enough to prove me the magic of 98% of aloe vera!

My jaw area is like… always has a problem (; ̄Д ̄)BUT THIS SEEMS TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN THERE! And it’s also great for spot treating! Of course, i use other products for face cleansing (i will make a post about it too!) but i’m 98% sure (lol got the pun?) that this improvement is thanks to this aloe vera gel!! 
During shaving i bruise myself but i spread this gel onto the graze and it was sooooo cool and nice, it was so soothing
Also, i went crazy and had a sunbathe a few days ago and guess what i used to chill my lightly smoked ass down? Oh man, no wonder aloe is the best solution to relax burned skin!
Tired it out on my hair too but honestly i think it was too heavy for my thin & fine hair… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have friends with thick hair, i will ask them to try this out! Something tells me it is going to work for them! :D

Let’s end this review with the “parameters”:

  • Name:  Welcos Aloe Vera 98% Moisture Real Soothing Gel
  • Amount: 150g
  • Where did i buy it? ebay, from the shop called bringbringshop
  • How much was it?  US $4.62
  • How much was the shipping to Hungary? US $0, a.k.a FREE
  • How much time did it take to arrive to Hungary? two weeks
  • How satisfied i am? IM VERY SATISFIED!
  • Will you re-purchase it? YES!! Actually i was thinking about to save up and buy the bigger version ihihihi~ ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )

This was my very first review and i enjoyed making every step! I hope it will be useful and if you have any question just leave me a message in my Ask box! I also have a twitter, it’s freshly opened so nothing surprising will be there lol… But i appreciate every fav, reblog, retweet and follow a lot!! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Thank you for reading till the end! I will wait everybody with a new review in a few days~!


  1. Please stop to buy in that web, for you healthy, it is no very reliable. Look at the especial web for that, I only know jolse because is the first I probed and I loved it so I stay. I always buy there. If it is very cheap, you must be careful, can be a bad quality brand or a copy for an original brand. Look for reviews of seller's website and reviews of the products. I say it for your own health

    1. I don't know about that site sell fake thing or not, but I've seen Welcos in another (trusted) ol-shop and the price absolutely cheaper than another aloe gel brand. And just because it cheap doesn't mean it bad. but yes, i do agree to always read review on the website.

    2. nor ebay and nor bringbringshop are dangerous websites, so there is nothing to be worried about! ^v^ Welcos is a Korean brand but it is not very well known, that's why you can't find many reviews about Welcos products! As it is said, just because it is cheap doesn't mean it is harmful, also, I made this blog to test out makeup and skincare goodies on my own risk! :3

  2. I bought the 300mL gel, which comes in circular jar, whilst in Korea, at Myeongdong Daiso, for only 3000W, which is less than 3US dollars. Maybe if you have the chance to visit, you can buy a lot to bring back~

    1. Woahh thank you so much for this useful info! *7* I hope i will have the chance to visit there! ^^

  3. I bought the 150 ml. Tube at marshalls here in l.a the price $2.99 is that a good price or not? And i hope its the original not the fake or copy one.

    1. It is a great price! If you can buy things in "real life", not online, then it will be always cheaper! ^^ Also, don't worry, I'm sure Marshalls does not sell fake skincare products!

  4. My skin is sweating after using it..i don’t know why...like my face always sweat after using any kind of moisturizer.. That's why i thought it Won't sweat..my skin is combination bt i don’t like the sweating can u please help me!!! What to do or how to use??yea its sticky i can stay with this bt not with the sweat

    1. Hello! This is a common problem (especially in summer), so don't be too anxious about it!! ;W; There is nothing wrong with you! I would recommend you some spray type moisturizers, like Welcos also has aloe mist! Try something like that out! It is not heavy on the skin and provides just enough, a thin layer of miosture which hopefully will let your skin breath! ^_____^

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